
4.1 ( 2971 ratings )
Obchod Životní styl
Vývojář: Sollys Developments
1.99 USD

People these days seem to have hundreds of contacts in their contact list. Friends & family, business, your football team etc. It can take a while to find the person you want, and then depending on whether you want to ring, message or email them, it can take even longer.

iContact is designed for businesses, organisations and sporting clubs. It allows the user to quickly find the person they need to contact, and with only one button press you can either ring, message or email that person. No need to use different programs, one simple and easy to use application does the lot.

When you end a call from within iContact, a message will appear asking you if you would like to add any notes about your phone conversation, maybe a meeting that you’ve just scheduled.

Some Features:
•Very fast and reliable
•One press for ring, message or email
•Leave notes after a phone call automatically
•Notes stored with date and time stamp
•Import contacts from your iphone
•Easy to navigate (No screens full of buttons)
•Big buttons for easy press (No pressing wrong buttons)
•Each contact has it’s own notes section which are also editable.

Some uses:
•Companies, Businesses, Sporting Clubs, Organisations, Schools, Hospitals and much more.


This application has been tested with the iphone 3G upto the iphone 5.
It also works with the iPod Touch, except obviously the ring and message as it is not a phone.